About Us • Nook & More

About Us

Hi there!

We’re Andy & Chris (and our cat, Neutrino). We live in the southwest of the UK and are both total geeks. Chris loves plants (real or fake!) and you’ll see that in some of the content we’ve put together for you! Andy is obsessed with lighting – it’s amazing how lighting can transform a space.

Our is a small house, and we’ve kinda made little ‘nooks’ that work for us – a space to read in our ‘Studio’ (neither of us can remember why it got named “The Studio” but it’s where we work from); an alternative work space in the bedroom; a cosy front room complete with fireplace (well, a TV fireplace as there’s some debate between us as to where a fake fireplace would fit…).

So this blog is about nooks – ours and others and lots of ideas. There’s also some retro ideas we love, as well as some gadget blogs (those will be Andy – he’s a gadget geek!) and fashion stuff.

We hope you enjoy your stay in our nook and that you come back soon!

Andy & Chris (& Neutrino)